***My Home Away from Home***

***My Home Away from Home***

Monday, January 9, 2012


Graphic design is all around us each and every day. Whether it is an advertising sign at a bus stop, a circular for your local supermarket or a banner ad when you log into your internet email account. The point being we see it consistently throughout our days whether we know it or not. One thing is for certain whether you are interested in the advertisement or not the more attractive it is the more bound it is to catch our attention. Even if you are not interested in the product, just the possibility that you will mention it to someone else in a positive or negative tone can mean the designer has done their job correctly.

Designing for print can be pretty cut and dry. For example WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get), meaning whaT you print out is the way it will look no matter what. On the other hand designing for Web is much much more complicated. As many web browsers, resolution settings and monitors can all cause a different efffect, which makes it hard to have your site look correct for all of your audience.

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