***My Home Away from Home***

***My Home Away from Home***

Monday, January 23, 2012

2 URL Evaluations:

This is a site from one of my vendors that I use quite often. Overall I feel the site is laid out and designed very well. Here are a few reasons that make me feel this way. Once you are on the home page everything is neatly aligned and nothing appears to be overwhelming. The navigation bar on the left is designed very well, regarding what the site sells. You select the area you are interested in and it breaks down into more isolated items/subjects. Once you find the area you want to go to it then takes you to the root of those items and there are even more selections to choose from to narrowing my search. I also noticed that each page has the same standard resolution and the color schemes don’t change either. They stay in line with the company’s logo and color. Another feature that is nice is they list feature topics and products right off the home pages. Sometimes what I am looking for ends up being right their in front of me from the get go. Another plus to the site is the site and images seem to be optimized as it runs very smoothly even in the heart of the day when their site is most busy.

I feel that the look of this web site isn’t too bad at all and it is pretty simple to navigate through, but one of my biggest complaints is that the site runs like a snail. It has to be on of the slowest sites I have to navigate through on a daily basis. As if the general site slowness isn’t painful enough. Putting a PC or Server in your cart and customizing it is even worse. I cringe every time I need to order something from this site as it takes f….o…..r…..e…..v……e…….r! The funny thing is I’m really not that sure why it is running so slow either. Perhaps it is due to the coding, because it certainly isn’t image intense. Perhaps it’s the web server itself or being they are Dell Computers (a well known company) that the site just has a ton of traffic and it is the bandwidth that is the problem. Then again perhaps it is a combination of everything I listed. Outside of the performance of the site everything is expectable. I would say I feel the text on the site is rather a bit tiny though. Funny thing is they resign this site about once a year and no matter what they due the sites always appears to be the same. I’m sure they know about it, but for what ever reason it really is the problem is never resolved.

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