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***My Home Away from Home***

Monday, January 30, 2012

Anyone able to create a website: Is this a good thing? Week5

In my opinion anyone being able to create a website certainly can go both ways. In some cases it is a good think and in others perhaps it is not such a good idea.

Advantages: Being able to easily create a website in today’s society can be good because it can allow people to understand technology and the internet a little more. As time goes on this potentially would help people in becoming more familiar w/ technology, which can help them in their everyday life. Whether you want it to or not, technology surrounds us more and more each day. Another advantage is if someone is on a tight budget they can produce there own site which would save them on cost as a consultant can be very costly to build and design a site from scratch.  Also, perhaps down the road if someone does higher a consultant after building a site they can relate to the consultant more too.

Disadvantages: A possible problem w/ anyone being able to create a sight could allow a lot of sloppy sites being created. If the site is for professional use it can harm the company if it isn't created properly. Another issue I here and see each day is that just because something is on the internet some people take it to heart and believe every word of it. Therefore, some sites can have just about anything on it (in the form of content) and it can give people the wrong idea or fill them w/ false and inaccurate info. Not that this can't happen if a pro creates the site, but I would think it is more likely is a pro isn't creating it.

Regardless, despite all of the garbage out there my personal opinion is letting people create their own sites themselves is a good think. If they do something wrong then hopefully they will learn from it or if they don't perhaps someone else will and the bottom line is that if you can or do know how to create a site it is going to give you some sort of computer skills.

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