***My Home Away from Home***

***My Home Away from Home***

Monday, January 16, 2012

***Readability vs. Legibility***

When the average person looks at a printed or online web page, they don’t see or even notice the different typefaces on the page. Instead, they just see plain old words and are just trying to read them. When reading it actually is all about the pace of the typefaces and how they work with the page. The choice of typefaces and how they are used can either assist or hinder the legibility and readability of those words on the page.

Legibility: Refers to a reader’s ability to easily recognize letter forms and the word forms built from them.

Readability: Refers to the facility and comfort with which text can be comprehended. We don’t read by recognizing one letter at a time, we read by recognizing the word as a whole.

I also would like to give some brief info on typeface. There are mainly 2 forms of type face fonts Serif and San Serif. Serif fonts are probably the most commonly used font in printed materials including most books, newspapers and magazines and serif typefaces are also named for the features at the ends of their strokes. San Serif text on electronic media offers an exception to print as most web pages and digitized media are laid out in sans serif typefaces because serifs often detract from readability at the low resolution of displays. For example if you use MS Outlook as for your email the default font for new emails is Arial which is a San Serif font since it is easier to display digitally. 

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