***My Home Away from Home***

***My Home Away from Home***

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Reading Assignments Week#1

Chapters: 1-2 These two chapters really seemed geared for someone who knew nothing about the internet, web and how you gain access to it (ex. Your ISP).

Chapter: 5 This chapter mentioned the differences between web and print. Being I have a VERY technical background I can’t really say I agreed with all of it. Specifically, the pros to printing as lot of there pros were incorrect and not valid being it is 2012. I guess this can be due to this book being written in 2006 as the technology game has changed drastically since then. As just about everyone as young as 6 years old have web access available to them just about anywhere and anytime. Whether it is in there house, local library, or on their mobile smart phone. As technology is constantly changing the purpose for using print is becoming smaller and smaller.

Chapter: 6 This chapter was a review of the C.R.A.P. acronym and explained in detail what each word was, meant and how it relayed to designing a website.

Pages: 186-192 These pages discussed different picture file formats (ex. Gifs and jpegs). It also explained the differences between them and when one is a better option to use then another. The end of this reading assignment briefly explained Anti-aliasing and what it does. The book states that it is widely used in websites and is a common term regarding web design. Currently, it is a very common term when referring to graphics, specifically, video games. As a lot of today’s GPU’s (graphic processing units) have a wide configuration array for anti-aliasing and all video games have options for it anymore. This makes it a very large part of how smooth a video game will look, but the smoother the graphics are the more systems resources will be required, especially at high screen resolutions.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog posts for the week. You summarized what you read and showed me how well you understood it and applied it to what you see around you. Nicely done.
