***My Home Away from Home***

***My Home Away from Home***

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Non-Designers Website Quiz (page 112)

  1. I would distribute the annual reports via the Web/Email. Let’s be honest in today’s world who really reads prints anymore when it comes to a report. Having it available via the web gives so many more options and makes it way more available for a larger audience. Bottom line in my opinion and experiences electronically certainly is the way to go. For example it can be viewed at anytime on a mobile device or computer virtually anywhere at any time. Printing it for distribution really tends to be extremely limited.

  1. When it comes to advertising or networking yourself for a new job especially as a graphics artists you really should do both print and web. This way it will allow all potential employers to see how versatile you are and can be.

  1. If I have to deploy updates for software, web is the way to go. This will make things a lot easier for your clients as they can just go one the web link you provide them and install the updates as needed. On the other hand if the updates are fairly large you may want to print the notification and send a CD along with the updates included.

  1. If I have info that clients access often I would make it available on the web as it is much easier to maintain and not impact the client as you make your changes on the web it would be transparent for your clients and the least disruptive.

  1. If I needed to make booklets available for people I would do it via the web. Once again it just allows people to gain access to them very easily and at will. Allow, from a cost perspective it is a much cheaper solution.

  1. To make my artistic work available to the world it should be done via the web. Ass it makes the possibilities limitless. 

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