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***My Home Away from Home***

Monday, February 6, 2012

Writing for Web vs Print: *Week6*

People don't read information on the Web in the same way they read printed material. Printed content allows the writer to control the reader. In print the writer knows what the reader has previuosly read and what they are going to read next. The writer can present the information in a sequence that makes sense, supported by peripheral cues. You don't have that on the Web. As web users glance through content, they ignore details to read content faster, they even modify fixed left-right viewing habits in order to drill down more quickly.

Tips for the web:

-Web users generally ignore irrelevant graphics, so make sure the images go w/ the subject.
-79% of users scan the page and don't read every word, so keep the paragraphs short and to the point.
-Put the most important info at the begining.
-Use action words and bulleted items.
-Always proof read your content before submitting it.


- www.cdw.com (good example not much to read, bulleted items and flash animation of weekly deals).
- www.ford.com (another good example bulleted items and a big image as to what they are trying to    promote. Not much to read at all).

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