***My Home Away from Home***

***My Home Away from Home***

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Readings/Comments Week6

These chapters discussed tables and a few other features/options in CS5 and Chapter 15 was about ISP's , FTP's and how they relate to publishing your site online.

One thing I'm surprised about is that the book really didn't seem to go much into detail about domain names and how to go about getting one and the part they play in your website (it was only briefly mentioned). I would think they would talk about that in more detail because w/o a domain name, ISP and somewhere to host your FTP files you really can't do much the site you created. The final portions that I think is somewhat relevant is if someone chooses to host there site themselves via an Apache or IIS (internet information services) server just to name a few and the pros and cons in using that sort of technology yourself. Without really understanding some of what I mentioned above one would really have a hard time building a site and making it available via the internet. Especially when it comes to your code as it will be rather different if you build the pages to point to your local hard drive opposed to your/an FTP server.

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