***My Home Away from Home***

***My Home Away from Home***

Monday, February 13, 2012

What have I learned in class:

I learned how boring the non-web designers book was. :-) Honestly, I can see the book being VERY good/useful for beginners. Being I've been in the IT industry for so many years alot of the phrases, terms etc.. we learned in class were trivial for me. The info I found very useful was that when I uploaded files to my FTP for my webpage I didn't have to modify the code to reflect the location. It automatically knew where everything was. Don't know if this is something new or has been around for years as I just always had my code reflect the FTP image locations, so perhaps I was always just doing it the harder way, but at least it let me understand the code and how everything inter-connected. I also, learned some nice tips and tricks when using CS5. Although, to truly be proficient w/ the application more than a few weeks would be needed to truly learn that product as it is a huge and can be extremely powerful.

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